Wednesday, March 2

Let's catch up....

It is hard keeping up with a vacation blog and all the goings on and keeping up my normal quilting blog. But I have been hard at work. I have kept up with the 365 challenge blocks. They are fun to do and learning new techniques. I am glad I am hand sewing them. It will be interesting when we get to six inch blocks. I have done two splendid sampler blocks. I will do them I I like the pattern, but keeping them all. I have finished hand quilting a small top I brought down. Took my time with this one. What I have not done with great regularity is my Dutch treat blocks. Maybe a bit tired with the reverse appliqué.

I did attend the Tucson quilt festival with some Sunflower quilters. It was AWSOME. I also joined this group as I believe in their cause of creating quilts for children in foster care. Look forward to doing one on my own. They also have had two classes I attended. One with potholder psych and other with crayon coloring on fabrics. Both very cool and would make great gifts.